Ben Grossman, Pierre-Yves Martel, Patrick Graham

Pierre-Yves Martel – viola da gamba, objects; Ben Grossman – vielle à roue; Patrick Graham – percussion

Improvisation is the very first music, and is powerful contemporary vehicle for the exploration of relationships of all kinds: aesthetic, cultural, personal, environmental, temporal, and more.  Pierre-Yves, Ben and Patrick bring with them a vast range of experience in contemporary, early, and traditional music practices.  As a trio, they constantly seek to find new approaches to sound and performance which draw both on their training and experience and on a shared interest in exploration and discovery.  With intense focus, curiosity and humour, they seek out new worlds of sound and music. Listen here.

Pierre-Yves Martel, Ben Grossman et Patrick Graham proposent un programme inspiré de leur riche expérience dans les pratiques des musiques contemporaines et anciennes. Leur sens de l’innovation conduit à l’éclosion d’approches nouvelles de l’improvisation, qu’ils explorent avec précision, curiosité et humour pour faire émerger de nouveaux univers musicaux.