I’m excited to announce the release of a new track with my good friend and collaborator, electronic music producer John Sellekaers. The track, Badlands (Hex), is being released tomorrow, May 7th, for Bandcamp Friday, as part of the Paranthèses Records 10th anniversary compilation series. Both volumes are FREE (pay what you like) on BC!
Badlands (Hex) is featured on the 10… compilation while our bonus track Taxidermy (from last year) is available on the …10 compilation. We’re super pleased to be in the presence of some unique and wonderful music-makers on these two albums. Congratulations to Paranthèses Records and Alexis Courtin!
John and I released Unnatural, our first collaboration on Paranthèses Records, in March 2020. Adverse Effect Magazine had this to say about the album:
The chemistry behind this combination is perfectly clear as both players remain locked towards the same focal point with neither domineering the proceedings or, indeed, throwing in detours to spaces that simply don’t work. The entire setting is one of naturalness and a refinement that belies the Unnatural title it has been given.
Richard Johnson
We’re in the process of recording more new music, so stay tuned…